2024 Instagram Giveaways – 9 Easy Steps to Boost Your Business & Win Prizes

Instagram Giveaways in 2024: An Introduction

If you’ve ever used Instagram, you’ve more than likely seen a giveaway or two online. 

Like regular giveaways, Instagram giveaways are used as a marketing campaign to build a business’s audience, get people hyped about new products, and increase sales. Both small businesses and individual influencers use this marketing tool.

This guide will explain each Instagram Giveaway category in-depth, whether you’d like to run your own Instagram giveaway or enter more of them.

Logotipo Instagram banner rosa

Instagram Giveaway Types

Esta guía servirá a quienes deseen organizar sorteos y a los participantes que deseen participar en ellos. 

1. Organizadores de regalos: This section is for businesses and giveaway organizers who want to run their giveaways on Instagram. We will cover how to use Instagram to grow your following and tips for running a successful contest.

2. Participantes en el sorteo: Esta sección está dirigida a los participantes que quieran participar en sorteos en Instagram y maximizar sus posibilidades de ganar un premio. Veremos cómo utilizar la plataforma para encontrar sorteos.

Tailwind statistics about Instagram giveaways.

Do Giveaways Help Grow Instagram?

Realizar con éxito un sorteo, concurso o sorteo en Instagram es una forma estupenda de ampliar tu audiencia, crear conciencia de marca y aumentar las ventas de tus productos o servicios.

TailWind’s statistical research in 2020 found that Instagram contest posts (including giveaways) get, on average, 3.5 times more likes and 64 times more comments than regular Instagram posts.

Instagram giveaways provide momentum for growing businesses. Tailwind also noted that Instagram accounts that run regular contests grew 70% faster than those that don’t. Moreover, 91% of Instagram posts with over 1K comments are associated with a giveaway or contest.

Estadísticas sorprendentes, ¿verdad? Pero a pesar de estas cifras asombrosas, ¡solo 2% de las cuentas de Instagram organizan concursos o sorteos!

What does that mean for you? You can be in the spotlight, and there’s a high likelihood your competition isn’t! Even if you have competitors hosting giveaways, there are plenty of entrants to go around. You can try to hold a better giveaway yourself with our help. 

When you’re considering running a giveaway on Instagram to grow your business, there are two primary goals to consider:

  1. Quieres aumentar tus seguidores en Instagram.
  2. Quieres que tu post de Instagram llegue al mayor número de personas posible.

Con suerte, su sorteo cumplirá estos dos objetivos. Además, el objetivo #1 será posible gracias al #2.

Si es la primera vez que utiliza una promoción de regalos, es posible que no esté seguro de regalar algo y sacrificar esfuerzo a cambio de poco. Es cierto, pero hay que tener una visión más amplia. 

Puede ver este esfuerzo como una inversión. Usted está invirtiendo tiempo y dinero en su negocio y verá un retorno de su premio de regalo gratis. Más seguidores significan más clientes.

In one way or another, you have to spend money to grow your audience, and you also have to spend your time. You can choose how much time and money you spend, but you can view the promotion as an investment rather than a loss.

While Instagram giveaways can be a great way to boost engagement, you must ensure you comply with Instagram’s rules and regulations.

Aquí están las fotos oficiales de Instagram directrices de promoción. Tanto si organizas un sorteo como un regalo, debes cumplir las directrices de promoción de Instagram.

a person checking out an Instagram giveaway post on their phone.

How Can I Host a Giveaway on Instagram?

Aunque organizar un sorteo no es complicado, un sorteo eficaz en Instagram requiere algo más que una bonita publicación y un premio. 

There are common pitfalls when running your contest; many first-time giveaway holders have made the same mistakes. Failing to execute your giveaway campaign could waste your time and money.

To help you avoid that outcome, we have gathered tips for increasing the success of your giveaway campaigns.

Here are 9 steps you need to take to run your Instagram giveaway and grow your business simultaneously.

1. Choose the Giveaway Prize

Your giveaway prize might be the only reason someone will enter your giveaway, so you want to choose something your audience will love.

En primer lugar, es posible que su sorteo no tenga éxito si el premio no se ajusta a su público objetivo. Por eso, cuando elijas un premio, piensa en lo que le gustaría ganar a tu cliente ideal.

The giveaway prize must be unique, practical, and aligned to your audience’s tastes.

The following giveaway post indicates the prize to a niche audience in text format and via a photo.

Win a veganuary hamper on Instagram.

2. Clear Giveaway Rules

To run an excellent giveaway campaign, you need to outline how it works and how to enter clearly. This isn’t only for your sake; you must translate the instructions to your Instagram followers.

Si no es obvio y la gente no sabe cómo participar en el sorteo, habrá menos inscripciones y se perderán más oportunidades. Recuerde que todo aquel que participe en su sorteo puede ser un nuevo cliente potencial.

Below is an Instagram giveaway post with clear instructions.

an example of Instagram giveaway rules.

Para evitar errores comunes y crear algo visualmente atractivo, comparte un borrador de tu post con tus colegas o personas más cercanas. Si tienen preguntas, aprovéchalo para hacer ajustes antes de lanzar tu promoción.

3. Use a Simple Entry Method

La mayoría de los sorteos de Instagram son más fáciles de participar que las campañas multiplataforma. No hay enlaces externos ni largos formularios que rellenar. Sin embargo, algunas marcas optan por esta vía.

Hosting your giveaway on a giveaway platform such as Brillo and linking that to your Instagram post is possible. However, overcomplicated entry processes can result in slow traction, whereas simple contests will gain traction much faster.

Consejo extra: The value of the prize determines how much effort participants should expect to put in. For example, reserve asking for user-generated content (UGC), such as video entries, for your expensive prize giveaways.

He aquí un ejemplo de sorteo que podría estar pidiendo demasiado a los participantes. 

Requisitos para publicar en Instagram

This brand asks for a like, a repost of the giveaway post, tag a coffee-loving friend, and follow four separate accounts. That’s a lot of accounts to follow in one go and quite a lot to ask for in one giveaway.

The only upside to this is that the prize is quite expensive; therefore, the extra effort might be worthwhile for the entrant.

En general, el método de inscripción debe ser sencillo. 

If you want to ask more from your Instagram audience, you could give them optional actions that aren’t mandatory to enter.

4. Focus on Your Target Audience 

Como ya se ha señalado, una de las principales ventajas de Instagram y de cualquier tipo de marketing en redes sociales es la posibilidad de conectar con un público muy amplio. Esta ventaja también conlleva un riesgo. Puede que consigas miles de clientes potenciales, pero que ninguno de ellos esté interesado en tu empresa o tus productos. 

Ver Instagram pautas publicitarias para saber más sobre cómo llegar al público perfecto. Puedes conseguir que tu sorteo llegue al público adecuado con unos sencillos trucos. 

  • Diríjase a su público. Para captar participantes interesados en sus productos, pídales que demuestren su interés como parte del proceso de participación en el sorteo. Por ejemplo, si vendes equipos de jardinería, puedes pedir a los participantes que etiqueten tu cuenta en sus publicaciones o historias sobre jardinería o que compartan sus herramientas favoritas en la sección de comentarios de la publicación del sorteo.
  • Eligibility requirements. To filter out users who aren’t in your country of business, include your demographic in your rules and only include entrants eligible to win due to their location.
  • Collaborate with related brands. Consider partnering on a joint giveaway with a brand that has audiences with similar interests.
  • Use hashtags wisely. While it’s easy to gain followers by using broad Instagram hashtags like #contest or #giveaway to promote your post, you’ll draw in people who aren’t interested in your brand. To avoid that, use hashtags related to your products and industry to target people looking for your product.

Notice that the following Instagram giveaway has a good selection of generic and giveaway-specific hashtags related to the brand and its product niche.

hashtags for instagram giveaways.

5. Decide on the Giveaway Duration 

The next step is to decide how long your giveaway will last. A few factors must be considered when determining this.

The size of your following should be taken into account. Running a shorter giveaway may make more sense if you have thousands of followers. You will have a bigger chance of more people entering your contest. You will rely on your hashtags to draw in more giveaway entries if you have a couple hundred followers.

Find the perfect length of time before you announce your giveaway. A minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 4 weeks is a good benchmark, while 2 weeks is an ideal time on average. 

Los sorteos que duran unos días, organizados por empresas con miles de seguidores, suelen ser populares. Pero es una buena opción si ya tienes muchos seguidores.

Una última cosa: Consider time zones (especially if you have an international audience). Your entrants will likely be dotted around the world, so be sure you’re clear about when the contest deadline ends.

Consejo profesional: Post weekly reminders to remind people that the contest is ending. This is also a great way to encourage last-minute entries.

Instagram giveaway duration banner.

6. Promote Your Instagram Giveaway

When you launch your giveaway, remember that one announcement isn’t enough. Your audience may not be constantly browsing Instagram, so they may miss it. 

To counteract that, plan a few promotional posts to get your giveaway to your audience.

  1. Crea suspense con un post para anunciar cuándo empezará el sorteo.
  2. Create an announcement post to launch the giveaway officially.
  3. Announce your giveaway with an Instagram story and create one whenever you post.
  4. Crea un reenvío de publicaciones anteriores para recordar a tus seguidores (y atraer a otros) que participen en tu sorteo. Este paso no es tan importante si el sorteo no dura mucho tiempo.
  5. Share a final call-to-action post to create urgency a few days before your Instagram giveaway ends.
  6. Anuncia el ganador felicitándole en un post y comparte una imagen de tu premio.

In addition to using Instagram to share your giveaway, other digital marketing channels can also be used to promote it. You could post to Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media sites you use to drive traffic to your Instagram post.

7. Don’t Clash With Major Holidays

Antes de lanzar tu sorteo en Instagram, comprueba el calendario para asegurarte de que no coincide con ninguna festividad importante. Hay varias razones para ello.

Some holidays, such as Christmas or New Year’s, are when people have the least time to spend on other activities. So, if you run a giveaway around major holidays, announce it well in advance.

Dicho esto, es posible sacar partido de una festividad como ésta. Por ejemplo, puedes aprovechar la festividad para crear un sorteo de temática navideña.

If your product (and therefore the prize) is seasonal, consider timing your giveaway posts so that your audience’s interest will be piqued.

8. Set Realistic Goals 

Don’t run an Instagram giveaway if you don’t know why you are doing it. Instead, set measurable goals you want to achieve for your campaign.

Here are a handful of tips for setting goals for your Instagram giveaway.

  • Be specific. For example, to extrapolate on growing your audience, aim to increase your Instagram followers by any amount you decide. That way, you can mark your progress daily and strive toward your goal.
  • Make them measurable. Following on from being specific, use numbers or percentages to determine your goals. This way, you can measure whether your giveaway underperformed or exceeded your expectations.
  • Be realistic. While keeping your eyes on the prize is good, setting realistic goals and working towards them is wise.

9. Follow Up With Your Audience 

Realizar un seguimiento de su audiencia y convertirla en clientes tiene más valor que aumentar el número de seguidores. El objetivo general de tu sorteo no debería ser únicamente atraer a gente nueva, sino crear relaciones duraderas y clientes fieles. 

Follow these steps:

  • Enlace en la biografía. Si tu objetivo realista y medible es aumentar las ventas, ayuda a los usuarios de Instagram a encontrar tu tienda. La mejor forma de hacerlo es añadir enlaces en la biografía de tu perfil. Incluye llamadas a la acción en tus publicaciones para invitar a los usuarios a hacer clic en el enlace de tu biografía y comprar.
  • Promote your prize. When your Instagram contest ends, and you announce the winner, remind your audience where they can buy the prize.
  • Ofrezca un descuento. Considera la posibilidad de seguir tu sorteo de Instagram con un "premio de consolación" de agradecimiento a todos los participantes. Ofrece un descuento en el artículo del premio durante un tiempo limitado para todos tus clientes.
Instagram Giveaway Banner.

What are the Best Instagram Giveaway Ideas?

Algunos de los mejores tipos de regalos en Instagram son los más sencillos de participar. Algunos de ellos son:

1. Tag-to-win giveaway: This type of giveaway requires the entrants to tag a certain number of friends. If this idea is coupled with a couple more, it’s one of the most effective giveaway ideas.  

2. Like-to-win giveaway: As the title suggests, all the entrants must do is like your post. However, it’s not the best Instagram giveaway idea because it doesn’t involve much engagement. So it’s best to combine this idea with another one. 

3. Comment-to-win giveaway: This requires the entrants to comment about a certain topic. You can also ask them to comment with a particular emoji to enter the giveaway.

4. Repost-to-win giveaway: This type asks the entrants to repost to enter the giveaway. Overall, it also performs well as it’s so easy to enter and widens your IG reach. You can also ask the entrants to repost your post on their IG stories!

5. Caption-this contest: This type of giveaway requires the entrants to write a caption about an image you’ve shared. Then, the best caption wins.

6. Photo contest: This type of giveaway is more time-consuming for the entrant and requires them to post a photo as you requested. They must tag you as the giveaway organizer in their photo entry, and then you get to select the best one!

Some more creative giveaway ideas you might like to consider are as follows:

  • Regale un premio diario durante una semana de promoción.
  • Regale más de un premio o una selección de productos económicos en una cesta.
  • Entregue un premio de gran valor a quien consiga diseñar un nuevo logotipo para su empresa.
  • Crea un concurso que incluya usar tu producto y compartir un post sobre él.
  • Organice un concurso de fotografía en el que los fans puedan enviar fotos tomadas con un producto específico.
  • Crea un concurso en el que la gente etiquete a tres amigos que aún no te sigan para ganar. 
  • Pide a tus seguidores que les guste tu publicación y que compartan tu sorteo en sus perfiles.

How Can I Pick the Instagram Giveaway Winner?

Dependiendo del tipo de sorteo de la lista anterior, se elegirá al ganador de una de las siguientes maneras.

  • From replies
  • From hashtags
  • From retweets
  • From manual selection

Dicho esto, hay principalmente dos formas de elegir un ganador en Instagram:

1. Manually: You can write down the eligible entrant’s names in a spreadsheet, then choose a random name from the lot. The downside is that it’s a time-consuming process.

2. Automatically: You can choose a winner with an Instagram giveaway picker tool. These tools will help you automate the selection process and save time.

These tools include Wishpond, AiGrow, Instagram Random Comment Picker, Easy Promos App, Shortstack, Viral Loops, Vyper, and Gleam. Among those tools, Gleam is our absolute favorite! Read our comprehensive Revisión de brillo ¡Para descubrir por qué!

Instagram giveaway picker banner.

Top Instagram Giveaway Picker Tools

Una forma de elegir un ganador de forma justa (y sencilla) es utilizar una herramienta gratuita de Instagram Giveaway Picker. 

Las siguientes herramientas le ayudarán a elegir a los ganadores de los sorteos de forma aleatoria. 

  • Wask. This is an easy tool to use when choosing a winner. To use it, you only need to enter the URL of your Instagram post. It then helps to pull the giveaway comments and find a winning account for your giveaway. 
  • Selector de comentarios de Instagram. This trusted and free tool selects a random winner from any contest you create.
  • Wishpond. This picker provides many tools to run and track your social promotions. It can help you run your contest and grow your audience. You can also choose giveaway templates on this application or create one yourself.
a person displaying their phone showing giveaways to enter and win prizes.

Entering Instagram Giveaways to Win Prizes

Participar en un sorteo de Instagram es fácil, pero ganar ya es otra cosa. Todo el mundo quiere ganar un sorteo, pero pocos saben cómo maximizar sus posibilidades de ganar.

Instagram offers various prizes and every type of giveaway, including sorteos de libros, NFT, and even instant cash giveaways.

Instagram giveaways don’t have many secrets regarding how they work. An individual or business will advertise a product (or the prize). Whether it’s a physical or digital item, the entrants will be required to complete action steps to play by the rules.

El sorteo se compartirá en la plataforma a través de una publicación de Instagram, y normalmente se incluye una imagen llamativa junto con las reglas del sorteo en una publicación del sorteo.

A veces, la imagen del sorteo incluye la fecha límite para participar. 

If the giveaway host uses a computer-generated (CG) winner-picker, the winner will be selected randomly based on all the criteria. That’s why it’s vital to follow all giveaway rules to win. 

Are Instagram Giveaways Worth it?

It’s easy to find individuals holding giveaways to enter on Instagram, but is it worth it? Of course, they’re worthwhile when it comes to winning, as everybody loves to win something!

Only entering popular giveaways can be disappointing, as these giveaways are competitive. Some people who only enter popular giveaways and don’t win might say giveaways aren’t worth it. But generally, the bigger the prize, the more competitive it will be. 

Inscribirse en todos los sorteos tampoco garantiza ganar un premio. Puede ser frustrante participar en todos los sorteos sin maximizar tus posibilidades, lo que puede llevarte a no ganar ninguno.

Aside from luck being on your side, there are ways you can maximize your chances of winning an Instagram giveaway. We will share essential tips.

Different of giveaway listings.

Finding a Giveaway on Instagram

Before you begin entering giveaways, you must know how to find them. Begin by searching for giveaways on Instagram that excite you.

There are many ways to search for giveaways on the platform. Like winning giveaways, sometimes this also comes down to luck. You might not be expecting to find a prize, and one shows up unexpectedly in your search. 

Esto puede jugar a tu favor, ya que los sorteos más difíciles de encontrar suelen tener sólo un puñado de participantes. 

Antes de entrar en los mejores consejos para encontrar más regalos de Instagram para ganar, aquí está la forma más fácil de encontrar regalos en Instagram en este momento. 

  • Make relevant searches on Instagram. You can search for single hashtags associated with giveaways using the Instagram search bar. For example, #win, #competition, #competitiontime, #instagramcompetition, #sweepstakes (US), #contest (US), #giveaway (international), #giveawayuk (UK), #ukgiveaway (UK), #loopgiveaway (these are popular in US, Canada, and Australia).

Bonus Tips: Filtra los resultados de búsqueda por "recientes primero".

You can also select “follow” a hashtag. Then, hashtagged posts will automatically appear in your feed. The search will give numerous generic results, but you can easily look for “win” or “giveaway” in the photos.

hashtag searches on instagram.

9 Steps for Winning Instagram Giveaways 

Aquí tienes 9 consejos para encontrar y ganar más premios en Instagram. Estos consejos te garantizarán que no corres el riesgo de que se te escape un premio.

We emphasize the importance of filtering the giveaways you want to enter and choosing the ones that interest you. Remember, registering for everyone who appears might result in disappointing results. So don’t overdo it; focus on what you want.

Also, don’t forget to search for what you want using hashtags. You can only search for one hashtag at a time.

2. Be an Active Fan

If you’re following a brand that regularly posts giveaways, you should endeavor to engage with them regularly on their Instagram page. That way, they’ll know you’re a fan, and when you enter their competition giveaways, your account name will already be familiar to them.

Consejo profesional: If you use their services or products or visit their physical business, tag them in a photo you post to Instagram or a story. This touch will help you win a prize when you enter a giveaway.

3. Maintain Your Profile

You want to ensure your Instagram profile account looks good. Some promoters might check your profile before deciding if you’re a winner.

They do this to ensure you’re not a spam account or, in cases, they’d like to give the prize to a deserving fan.

You can pin 3 of your favorite posts to the top of your profile – people will see those first when they check out your profile.

Pinned posts on Instagram.

4. Utilizar Twitter y Google

Most companies tweet about their Instagram accounts or automatically tweet their Instagram content. Finding giveaways on Twitter is usually a win-win situation, as some giveaways are unpopular with thousands of entrants. 

For that reason, use Twitter’s advanced función de búsqueda. Al igual que en Instagram, utiliza la función de búsqueda para encontrar hashtags con palabras como victoria, concurso, sorteo o premio. Cuando obtengas los resultados que buscas, selecciona "últimos" para ver los tuits más recientes.

The advanced search function on Twitter.

You can also save the search by clicking “more options” and “save search.” That way, you can always return to your preferred search terms in Twitter’s search box.

Tweetdeck también es una gran herramienta para hacer búsquedas múltiples. También puedes utilizar la búsqueda de Google para encontrar regalos únicos en Instagram. 

5. Play by the Rules 

Uno de los mayores errores que comete la gente en Instagram es no prestar atención a las reglas de los sorteos. Aunque te seleccionen, no ganarás el premio si no cumples las normas.

Es importante que leas atentamente las normas del sorteo y, si aún te quedan dudas, puedes preguntar al organizador para que te las aclare.

6. Do What is Asked 

While following the rules, be careful to do what is asked of you and not overdo it. Suppose you have to enter the giveaway by tagging x3 friends and commenting on a specific topic on the post. You might forget to comment on the topic, or you might only tag two friends.

If that’s the case, you’ll immediately be out of the draw, especially if an automated winner-picker will choose the winner.

In addition, it’s not worth tagging more friends than you are asked to tag. If you have to tag 3 friends, don’t tag 6!

7. Check Out Your Competition 

Los siguientes consejos son especialmente útiles para los concursos. La mayoría de los organizadores de concursos utilizan hashtags genéricos y de marca (los hashtags de marca son los más adecuados). Echar un vistazo a los hashtags que han utilizado es una de las mejores maneras de comprobar tu competencia.

Tocando los hashtags, podrás ver cuántas participaciones hay hasta el momento. Si el sorteo requiere que subas una foto o crees un meme, por ejemplo, también podrás obtener ideas para tu participación.

¿Cómo son todas las propuestas hasta ahora? ¿Qué puedes hacer para que tu propuesta sea la mejor de la competición?

8. Enter as Late as Possible

When planning to enter Instagram giveaways, entering as late as possible can be advantageous. 

The entries are public, so promoters can track them. That means other entrants can copy your photo contest image and wait for your entries. You could wait a day or two before the deadline to avoid being copied.

When you’re feeling organized, save your giveaways to dated collections. That way, you can easily enter the closing date.

This also means your entry will be at the top of the recent search results, which is great when many people have entered the giveaway. 

9. Follow Giveaway Accounts

Following giveaway-specific accounts on Instagram, such as @giveawaylisting, is a great way to find giveaways.

Para encontrar otras cuentas y personas que compartan y participen regularmente en sorteos, haz clic en los hashtags correspondientes en la barra de búsqueda y pulsa en las entradas de los resultados. A continuación, toca el nombre de usuario de la cuenta.

Si lo haces, encontrarás un montón de cuentas nuevas para regalar. También verás a otras personas comentando fotos y podrás tocar para visitar su perfil. Puedes seguirlos o guardar un enlace a su cuenta como favorito del navegador.

Las personas que suelen participar en sorteos y volver a compartirlos suelen hacerlo a través de sus historias, así que asegúrate de tocar y ver sus historias cuando visites su perfil.

El mejor consejo: Si sigues una cuenta de empresa o a un usuario, puedes "recibir notificaciones cada vez que publique algo. Toca "seguir" en su página de perfil y luego "notificaciones". 

Consejo extra: log in to Instagram as often as possible. You want to check your inbox and activity every day if you’re expecting to win prizes. If winners are announced in an Instagram story, you’ll only have 24 hours to determine if you’ve won. So, make sure to check your inbox daily!

Instagram Giveaways: Closing Thoughts

Como revelan las asombrosas estadísticas anteriores, los regalos de Instagram pueden darte la tracción necesaria para hacer crecer tu negocio o darte la posibilidad de ganar premios increíbles.

You can implement various Instagram giveaway ideas now as a small business. As a giveaway goer, there are plenty of giveaways you can enter!

If you’d like to check out the latest IG giveaways, check out our transmisiones en directo. En nuestra página de inicio encontrarás una lista actualizada de los regalos de Instagram.

Good luck with creating your giveaway or winning more prizes! Tag us on Instagram si quiere informarnos de sus buenas noticias.

a person holding a phone showing FAQs.

Instagram Giveaways FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Instagram giveaways in 2024.

How to Do a Giveaway From Instagram?

First, to host an Instagram giveaway, determine your goals and choose a relevant prize. Then, clear rules and eligibility requirements will be set, and the duration of the giveaway will be decided.

Create an eye-catching post with all the necessary details, promote it across your social media platforms, and pick a winner transparently. After the giveaway, analyze the results to see if you met your goals.

Are Instagram Giveaways Real?

Many Instagram giveaways are real and used by brands and influencers to increase engagement and followers. However, there are also fake giveaways designed to scam users.

To ensure a giveaway is legitimate, check if the account is verified, has a history of activity, and clearly outlines the terms and conditions.

How to Find a Giveaway Winner on Instagram for Free?

You can find a giveaway winner on Instagram for free by using tools like [WASK](4) or [Rafflys](5). Copy and paste the link to your Instagram giveaway post into the tool. It will automatically pick a random winner based on the comments. These tools also allow you to apply filters and ensure transparency in the selection process.

How Can I Increase my Chances of Winning Instagram Giveaways?

To increase your chances of winning Instagram giveaways, follow the giveaway account and engage actively with their posts.

Follow all the instructions, use relevant hashtags, and tag friends as required. Additionally, participate in giveaways that have fewer entries to improve your odds.

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