Guía de obsequios principales de Pinterest de 2024: 7 formas de maximizar los resultados

Pinterest Giveaways in 2024

En 2022, Pinterest registró un descenso de 6% en usuarios activos mensuales globales, pero apenas ha perdido atractivo. 

La plataforma de medios sociales sigue teniendo una audiencia de más de 430 millones de usuarios en todo el mundo, con una media de casi 1.000 millones de visualizaciones diarias de vídeos.

With the platform’s popularity comes hard-to-beat marketing campaigns. You won’t find as many opportunities for giveaways here as you can.

The revenue opportunities for individuals and small businesses are undeniable. Pinterest is also perfect for entrants who want to find exciting giveaways to enter in July 2024.

Pinterest red and white logo on a mobile phone.

Pinterest Giveaway Types

Esta guía de sorteos está pensada para dos grupos. Está repleta de consejos para quienes quieran organizar sorteos y para los participantes que deseen participar en ellos.

1. Organizadores de regalos: La primera parte de la guía está dirigida a empresas y organizadores de sorteos que quieran realizar sus sorteos en Pinterest. Te ayudaremos a utilizar Pinterest para organizar sorteos increíbles y convertirlos en un éxito.

2. Participantes en sorteos: La segunda parte de la guía está dirigida a los participantes que deseen participar en sorteos en Pinterest y maximizar sus posibilidades de ganar un premio. Examinaremos las mejores formas de utilizar la plataforma para encontrar sorteos.

Pinterest clothing gift card giveaway.

Running Giveaways on Pinterest

Cuando se trata de concursos y promociones en línea, a menudo se piensa en Pinterest en último lugar y se olvida en favor de otras plataformas de medios sociales como Twitter, Facebook e Instagram.

Pinterest doesn’t have the same active users as these other platforms yet, but over 400 million daily users is a good start, right? That’s a lot of potential participants! Pinterest is a fantastic platform for promoting your brand and connecting with your audience.

If you want to engage and grow your audience on Pinterest, running a Pinterest giveaway should be next on your to-do list.

Con nuestra guía, organizar un sorteo nunca ha sido tan fácil. Para ayudarte a empezar con un sorteo en Pinterest, te mostraremos cómo hacerlo. Antes de eso, veamos por qué los regalos de Pinterest son tan eficaces.

Logotipo redondeado rojo y blanco de Pinterest con fondo rosa

What are the Benefits of Pinterest Giveaways?

Pinterest’s social, collaborative, and colorful atmosphere makes it perfect for online contests. This highlight is especially true if your business deals with anything creative, such as cooking, gardening, fashion, or design.

Además de estas ventajas, los regalos de Pinterest (o concursos, como también se les conoce) tienen otros beneficios que ponen de relieve lo impactante que es la plataforma.

Here’s a breakdown of those benefits.

Engaging a Wide Audience

It’s an active site where users engage with media and get involved with content, aside from giveaways. So, it shows how easy it would be to include giveaways on this site, as its audience is used to actively interacting with the site instead of passively. 

Targeting Your Ideal Customer.

A staggering statistic says approximately 80% of Pinterest users are female. So, if you’re trying to engage a primarily female audience, Pinterest is for you!

Once you run a giveaway, you can let the platform do most of the work. This will allow you to maximize your target audience on Pinterest.

Pinterest users by gender pie chart by Recurpost.

Increase Brand Awareness

Además de interactuar con tu audiencia actual, los regalos de Pinterest pueden ayudar a dar la bienvenida a nuevas personas a tu negocio.

As a creative lifestyle platform (with an aspirational edge), inspirational brands often attract a large following on Pinterest.

Organizar sorteos para animar a más gente a visitar tu página es una buena forma de aumentar su tamaño.

Your giveaway can be as effective even if it doesn’t feature your products. It can generate brand awareness and lead people to your website.

Collecting User-Generated Content

You can generate engagement by running a Pinterest giveaway and asking your audience to submit “user-generated content” (or UGC).

El CGU es una herramienta de marketing poderosa y atractiva de la que puede beneficiarse cualquier empresa. Pero, ¿cómo funciona?

First, ask your audience to submit content in exchange for something. For example, ask the entrants to submit pins for your giveaway (we’ll cover this later). This will generate high-quality UGC while simultaneously engaging your audience.

Promoting Your Stuff

Los regalos de Pinterest son la oportunidad perfecta para promocionar una oferta o un evento en particular (o cualquier cosa que quieras promocionar).

Suppose you’re launching a new product line or offering discounts. Your giveaway can be a cost-effective way to amplify your promotional reach, and Pinterest can help expose your promotion to a broader audience.

Pinterest giveaways are a great way to achieve several objectives at once. You can grow your audience while simultaneously generating more sales.

How to Do a Pinterest Giveaway?

Running your first Pinterest giveaway may take some getting used to, but it will soon be a breeze—especially with the help of this section of our guide.

  1. Set up your giveaway: When you do a giveaway on Pinterest, as a priority, you need to decide what type you want to do!
  2. Create giveaway rules: Next, you must include your terms and conditions or rules.
  3. Choose your duration: When setting up your giveaway, you must decide how long you want it to run. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, and your decision will be influenced by what type of contest you’re running and how big your following is
  4. Don’t sweat it: We recommend you keep your giveaway running for 1 to 3 weeks. This timeframe will be significant if you’re giving away a valuable prize or have a small following and need extra time to build momentum.
  5. Choose your prize: The prize will attract your entrants—it’s center stage for your giveaway. This prize will drive the actions entrants take on Pinterest, so pick a good prize! Generic gifts will bring in users who aren’t interested in your products, so you want to pick something for your potential future customers.
  6. Promote your giveaway: You’ll be ready to run it once you set it up. Remember, you must promote your campaign to get as many entries as possible! If this step is done correctly, it can lead to loads of entries and further brand awareness.

Esto es lo que le recomendamos que incluya en sus normas y condiciones:

  • Información sobre su empresa (nombre y enlaces a sitios web)
  • Fecha límite para el sorteo (cuándo se cierran los envíos y cuándo se anunciará el ganador).
  • Eligibility rules of who can enter (age, location, and other restrictions.).
  • Las instrucciones para participar.
  • How will you select and inform the winner?
  • Los detalles del premio (incluido el número de premios y la descripción).
  • Detalles de cómo se entregará el premio.

What are the Best Pinterest Giveaway Ideas?

Hay muchos tipos diferentes de regalos que puedes hacer en Pinterest.

Si quiere llevar a cabo una campaña de marketing eficaz, debe elegir el tipo de sorteo que más le convenga. Tus objetivos generales de marketing deben determinar el tipo de sorteo que organizas.

Hágase algunas preguntas. ¿Intenta aumentar su audiencia o captar la atención de sus seguidores? ¿Quiere promocionar un producto concreto o generar opiniones sobre su empresa?

Whatever your goals, there’s a type of Pinterest giveaway for you.

Ideas for a Successful Pinterest Giveaway

Aquí tienes 7 ideas que puedes poner en práctica ahora mismo para organizar con éxito un sorteo en Pinterest.

1. Direct Giveaway

The first idea you should consider is running a contest directly on Pinterest. These simple giveaways allow users to enter the campaign directly from the site without submitting additional personal details and information.

These direct giveaways generally have low barriers to entry and are easy to participate in. One downside to these contests is that you miss out on collecting identifiable information about your users, such as email addresses.

Estos regalos son más adecuados para campañas a corto plazo que para compromisos a largo plazo. Los obsequios a corto plazo proporcionan una gratificación instantánea en lugar de ingresos y crecimiento de construcción lenta.

2. Pin para ganar

The easiest Pinterest contest you can run is a “Pin to Win” giveaway. These simple contests only require users to repin the images they choose from your selection to enter the giveaway.

These giveaways are excellent promotional tools encouraging your audience to display your content on their account. They can also provide valuable feedback if you evaluate which images your audience prefers.

If you decide to run this type of giveaway, remember that you have to give users a range of image options and allow them to choose based on their preferences.

La forma más fácil de hacerlo es dedicar un nuevo tablero de Pinterest a tu sorteo y llenarlo de imágenes para que los participantes elijan.

Si sólo utilizas una imagen, haz que la repineen con un hashtag específico del concurso (para que te resulte más sencillo encontrar las participaciones).

Pin to win giveaway on Pinterest.

3. Crear un tablero de Pinterest

Este tipo de sorteo es muy similar a Pin to Win, excepto que en lugar de utilizar tus imágenes en su tablero, les pedirás que creen un tablero con las imágenes que ellos elijan. Sin embargo, las imágenes deben seguir un tema que tú hayas definido.

Podría utilizar un par de sus imágenes, ya que algunos concursantes podrían encontrar esta opción complicada. Si las imágenes no son lo que esperaba, siempre puede elegir a los ganadores basándose en el esfuerzo y el mérito.

The primary function of these giveaways is to develop relationships with your audience, and they can also enhance your word-of-mouth marketing.

However, these giveaways require extra effort on the user’s behalf, so you should reward that with a grand prize.

Pinterest section for creating board.

4. Contenidos generados por los usuarios

Otra forma estupenda de recopilar y compartir contenidos generados por los usuarios es pedirles que fijen imágenes siguiendo unas directrices concretas con un hashtag específico para el concurso.

Suppose you’re a gardening company. You could use this giveaway type to obtain photos of what your audience has grown with your products. If you sell art materials, you could collect images of people’s creations with your products.

You must choose a winner for this giveaway based on effort and merit. Afterward, you can use the photo as promotional material.

By asking for high-quality images, you can make your giveaway more engaging and competitive, leading to better UGC.

Consejo extra: Para maximizar el contenido que recibes, organiza este sorteo en todas tus plataformas sociales, no sólo en Pinterest.

5. Feedback Contests

These giveaway types are straightforward to run. They require users to comment (or provide feedback) on an image for a chance to win.

You can use this giveaway to ask your audience any questions you’d like answered, such as their favorite products or what they hope to see next from your brand. That way, you’ll have inspiration for the direction you take next.

As mentioned, these giveaway types won’t allow you to collect email addresses or run many actions simultaneously.

6. In-app Giveaway

El tipo de sorteo más impactante que puedes organizar para incentivar muchas acciones a la vez e impulsar la participación en Pinterest es un sorteo dentro de la aplicación.

Por ejemplo, Aplicación de concursos de Gleam te permite hacerlo todo a la perfección. Puedes diseñar tu sorteo, promocionarlo y anunciarlo en el sitio.

If you want to know more about using the Gleam app to host super-successful giveaways, check out our Guía de regalos Gleam.

Realizar un sorteo In-App con Gleam no es tan sencillo como los demás, pero merece la pena.

Los usuarios tendrán que seguir el enlace que compartas y salir de Pinterest. A continuación, tendrán que introducir su dirección de correo electrónico u otros datos y completar una serie de acciones.

It’s not straightforward, but it doesn’t prevent people from entering a giveaway—especially if it involves winning an amazing prize. 

7. Visita en Pinterest

Los usuarios pueden participar en tu sorteo visitando tu página de Pinterest desde toda la web y no sólo desde Pinterest, así que haz que tu sorteo se pueda buscar en Internet. 

Utiliza SEO y hashtags para ayudar a la gente a encontrar tu sorteo. Si tu página de Pinterest está llena de contenido atractivo, es probable que los visitantes que atraigas quieran volver a por más. 

Pinterest Giveaways: Closing thoughts

Utilizar Pinterest para organizar tu próximo sorteo es una forma estupenda de alcanzar tus objetivos de marketing, sean cuales sean. Tanto si ya estás en la plataforma como si no, ya estás listo para empezar tu primer sorteo en Pinterest. ¡Mucha suerte!

Te invitamos a etiquetarnos en Pinterest @GiveawayListingdonde compartimos una selección de los últimos sorteos. Si nos etiqueta, ampliará su alcance. Quién sabe, quizá su sorteo aparezca en la próxima retransmisión en directo de Sitio web de Giveaway Listing

Pin to Win giveaways on Pinterest home page .

Entering Pinterest Giveaways 

You can use Pinterest to enter giveaways, but you might do more than that! Just a word of warning: browsing there can be addictive. Pinners quickly spend hours on there.

La creación de tableros es uno de los mayores alicientes para pasar horas en la plataforma. Los tableros están llenos de imágenes e información basada en el tema del creador. 

Thousands of boards on Pinterest are dedicated to various topics, such as comedy, animals, gardening, and even giveaways. Some of those topic boards also have giveaways posted inside of them.

What is a Pinterest Contest?

A Pinterest contest is essentially a giveaway held on the site. There are many contests to choose from.

The site helps users collate useful information about upcoming projects or inspirational ideas, such as DIY and craft projects. Due to that aspect of the platform, crafty and arty giveaways are really popular on the site for all creatives.

No matter the giveaway prize, Pinterest’s popularity has increased the number of brand promotions on the site. That’s great news for everyone who wants to enter contests!

Pinterest contests are one of the most preferred ways for creatives to enter a competition, as they’re fun and inspiring.

How Can I Find a Pinterest Giveaway?

First, when answering this question, we have to ask you one! Do you have a Pinterest account? If not, we suggest you do – you can’t make the most of the platform unless you have one.

Finding a giveaway on Pinterest depends on the type you want to enter, but it’s essentially a matter of knowing what search terms to use. 

There are only a few different styles of giveaways on Pinterest, but we bet more will be invested with the influx of influencers using the platform.

You might not need to sign up for some giveaways on Pinterest, but that’s rare! The case when you won’t need an account is if the promoter asks you to send a photo to them via another platform, which they will then add to Pinterest.

Como regla de oro, los sorteos de Pinterest tienen lugar en el sitio. Si tienes otras preguntas sobre el funcionamiento de la plataforma, siempre puedes encontrar más información en su página web Página de ayuda.

Here are 7 tips to help you maximize your winning chance on Pinterest contests.

1. Create Boards

Giveaway promotors might ask you to create a board with a particular theme. These giveaways don’t have a name but are referred to by search terms such as ‘create your board.’

Para participar en estos sorteos, debes anclar a tus tablones determinados artículos de los tablones o del sitio web de la empresa.

So, we recommend you have a selection of boards ready to go. The prettier your boards, the better.

To create a pin, select an image and choose “upload image” to add to a Pinterest board. The giveaway entries are tracked by the board names or the giveaway hashtag used in their descriptions.

2. Follow More Boards

Another way to prepare for more giveaways is to follow more Pinterest boards, especially from brands you love. With that action, you’ll be given access to contribute to a promoter’s board.

Cuando sigues un tablón, el creador te añade automáticamente como colaborador. Así, cuando organicen un sorteo, podrás subir un pin para participar en él.

Giveaway Listing's Pinterest profile with an arrow pointing to the 'follow' button.

Paso extra: If you’re having trouble understanding the terminology, pins are images (or videos) you can add to boards on Pinterest. You can add them from other sites or upload them from your computer.

Para añadir una imagen desde tu ordenador, elige "añadir" en la parte superior derecha de tu cuenta de Pinterest y, a continuación, pega la URL de la página web en la que está tu imagen.

Consejo extra: Download a ‘pin it’ button from your browser toolbar to make adding images to your boards easy.

3. Repin Giveaways

These giveaways are commonly known as Twitter-style ‘follow and repin’ contests. That’s because they’re similar to Twitter’s retweet giveaways. They’re pretty boring to enter, but they are straightforward.

Los organizadores de sorteos te pedirán que sigas un tablero concreto (o todos sus tableros) y que repines una imagen específica del sorteo en uno de tus tableros. 

Winners of these giveaways are chosen at random. Much like Twitter’s rules, if you spot a repinned photo on your friend’s board, ensure you repin from the original board, not theirs!

Repin to win giveaway on Pinterest.

Look at where your friend (or competition!) repinned the image from, and choose that. If you repin someone else’s entry, that won’t count. 

4. Voting Giveaways

These giveaways are similar to those on other social media channels! The benefit is that they are simple to enter, but the downside is that they’re not all that fun. 

Vote to win giveaways on Pinterest.

Estos sorteos pueden verse interrumpidos por cuentas falsas que se llevan todas las ganancias, ya que es fácil crear otras cuentas para que voten por tu participación. 

Consejo extra: Ask your friends to vote for you! It’s not against any rules to ask for support for your giveaway entry, so share the link on your social media channels or email it to friends.

5. Know the Rules

Uno de los problemas de los sorteos de Pinterest es que las normas de participación suelen estar en la imagen del sorteo. El problema es que se pierden fácilmente entre las entradas del tablón del promotor, por lo que no son fáciles de encontrar. 

Algunos promotores fijan la descripción del sorteo como "portada" de su tablón, lo que significa que siempre está accesible y es fácil de encontrar. Si no es así, puede que tengas que buscar la imagen principal del sorteo para encontrar las reglas.

Failing that, some promoters link the full terms, conditions, and rules on an external website. You should check carefully before you enter, as many Pinterest giveaways are only open to US residents.

Consejo extra: Puedes encontrar sorteos en Pinterest haciendo una búsqueda en Twitter e introduciendo un término de búsqueda como "concurso para ganar en Pinterest" o "sorteos en Pinterest" buscando en Google.

Puedes encontrar todo tipo de sorteos en Internet utilizando el término de búsqueda 'Pinterest'.

6. Check if You’ve Won

This is because there isn’t a messaging function on Pinterest. Suppose you entered a repin giveaway. They may comment with an ‘@ mention’ to let you know you’ve won, but they will also need to follow one of your boards to do so. It isn’t as straightforward as dropping you a message!

Para los concursos en los que tengas que crear un mood board, es posible que tengas que enviarles por correo electrónico un enlace a tu participación. Este método de participación es fácil, ya que recibirás un correo electrónico si has ganado. Y si eres un colaborador del tablero, es probable que comenten tu entrada para hacerte saber que has ganado.

7. Lista de regalos

The final step to ensure you find and win more prizes on Pinterest is to follow us there! You can see the latest giveaways available from us on the platform @giveawaylisting. Not only are we on Pinterest, but you will also find live giveaway feeds across all our social media channels and websites.

Para encontrar más cuentas de sorteos y personas que compartan sorteos con regularidad, haz clic en los hashtags relevantes en la barra de búsqueda y toca en los resultados. De este modo, encontrarás a gente que comparte más sorteos. Puedes seguirlos o guardar un enlace a su cuenta como favorito del navegador.

What Companies are Running Pinterest Giveaways?

Encontrarás todo tipo de empresas y marcas que organizan sorteos en Pinterest. 

We recommend searching for your favorite brands and products on the platform and then searching for giveaways among their posts! You might also find that these brands will post on their other social media platforms, so stay updated with those.

Si sigues a tus marcas favoritas en todos los canales de las redes sociales, estarás siempre al tanto de sus últimos sorteos.

Here are a few accounts dedicated to sharing giveaways on Pinterest, including our giveaway account.

Vast Giveaways se dedica a los regalos de juegos y a compartir todo lo relacionado con ellos. Consejo: si te gustan los sorteos de juegos, echa un vistazo a nuestro Guía de regalos para PC.

Vasta página de regalos en Pinterest

Homeschool Giveaways and Freebies ofrece sorteos semanales y regalos exclusivos para suscriptores en Pinterest. 

Página Pinterest de sorteos de educación en casa

Pinterest Giveaways: Wrapping Up

Pinterest might have experienced a slight decrease in active users in recent years. However, the platform still hosts top giveaways and allows brands to promote their work unabashedly.

You will find giveaways you can enter directly on the site and others that direct you to other platforms, such as those on Giveaway Listing.

If you enjoyed this global giveaways guide, you should check out the guides on We showcase hundreds of giveaways and create giveaway guides for our audience, like this one!

Díganos si hay algo que le gustaría ver a continuación. Síguenos en Facebook, Instagram, Pinteresty Twitter for more giveaways and guides.

Pinterest logo on a pink background with exclamation marks around it.

Pinterest Giveaway FAQs

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Pinterest giveaways.

¿Cuáles son las normas de Pinterest para los sorteos?

Antes de empezar en Pinterest, necesitas conocer sus Bases del concurso. Knowing the impact of a Pinterest contest, you should ensure you get the most out of them by learning the rules.

Pinterest’s Giveaway Rules emphasize user experience and legal compliance. Contests or sweepstakes are permitted if they comply with all legal requirements, marketing regulations, and platform rules. However, Pinterest does not allow more than one entry per person, and users cannot be required to pin a specific image.

How Can I Make Money on Pinterest Without Selling?

You can make money on Pinterest without selling products through several methods:

  1. Affiliate Marketing: Promote other people’s products with custom links and earn commissions.
  2. Promoting a Blog or Online Business: Use pins to drive traffic to your blog or business website.
  3. Pinterest Virtual Assistant: Offer services to help businesses optimize their Pinterest presence.
  4. Sponsorship: Partner with brands to post pins related to it.

What are Pinterest Wedding Giveaways?

Pinterest Wedding Giveaways are contests or promotions related to weddings hosted on Pinterest. They can include various items such as personalized wedding favors, unique wedding vow books, wedding day timelines, and succulent bouquets.

These giveaways often aim to promote wedding-related products or services, engage with the Pinterest community, and provide inspiration for future wedding plans.

What are Pinterest Raffle Giveaways?

Pinterest Raffle Giveaways are promotional events where users have a chance to win prizes by entering the raffle. The prizes can vary widely, from electronics and gift baskets to unique experiences.

These giveaways are often used by businesses or individuals to engage with their audience, promote their products or services, and increase their visibility on Pinterest.

Raffle giveaways on Pinterest are standard contests and giveaways on any platform. They can be found by searching the term ‘raffle giveaways.’ 

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