Gagnez le prix de la voiture de rêve en 2024 - Guide en 7 étapes

What are Dream Car Giveaways?

What are the odds of winning the car of your dreams for free? Not very high, we’d suspect, yet that’s exactly what Dream Car giveaways are here to offer!

Dream Car Giveaways est une société créée par Marcus Hickling, Michael Andrewset David Andrews, three Petrol Heads who shared a common interest in bringing cars to car enthusiasts through exciting and transparent competitions.

Let’s check out the steps to follow in September 2024 and win the best dream car giveaway.

Logo cadeau Dream Car - 1200x628 -

Since its founding in 2018, Dream Car Giveaways has had over 4,500 winners from across the UK and Ireland. It has a review rating of 4.8 from its 6,685 reviews on Trustpilot, a website that offers its visitors genuine reviews from real people about their experience with a product or platform.

With various prizes up for grabs, Dream Car giveaways offer contestants the spectacular opportunity to win the car of their dreams for a fraction of its cost!

Fellow car enthusiasts can connect with them on official Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram handles. They also have operational Android and iOS apps.

How Do Dream Car Giveaways Work?

Now that you know what Dream Car giveaways offer, the next step is to figure out how they work.

The company’s website offers various kinds of competitions. As a contestant, the first step would be to choose which contests you’d be interested in participating in.

Prix de voiture Dream Car Giveaways et instructions pour participer

Generally, all competitions are skill-based. As such, Dream Car Giveaways staff will ask a ‘Competition Question’, and entrants must answer and solve it correctly to stand a chance of participating in the contest.

For each entry into the contest, an entrant will be required to pay an entry fee. However, free entry might be an option if the question the promoter asks is multiple-choice or simply easy.

Entries are typically available on the website, but you can also earn them physically by sending your entry via post to the company’s UK address. 

The competition’s opening and closing dates are typically specified on the website and are not often changed unless absolutely necessary. Physical entries made outside these specified times are automatically disqualified.

The number of entries made per person per competition may also be limited. Restrictions like these are always stated on the website.

To participate in the Dream Car giveaways, select the contest of your choice, pay the required fee where necessary, and answer the competition question correctly.

Après avoir terminé les 3 étapes mentionnées ci-dessus, tout ce que vous aurez à faire sera de sélectionner le nombre requis de participations disponibles dans ce concours, de terminer le processus de paiement et le tour est joué, vous y êtes !

Comment trouver des cadeaux de voiture de rêve ?

Finding Dream Car giveaways is pretty straightforward. You search for their valid website on your search engine, which leads you straight to their homepage.

Dream Car giveaways only have a valid UK website: giveaways. This isn’t surprising as the company is based in England, and the contest is currently only available to residents of the UK.

The website has been operational since the company’s establishment in 2018 and has since only catered to UK locals.

En-tête du site Web Dream Car Giveaways

This website also covers people in the Republic of Ireland and Wales who are eligible to participate in this contest.

Unfortunately, this means that people outside these specified regions won’t be able to participate in these contests. However, we hope the company’s significant success rate will motivate it to expand its platform to more countries and people soon.

Are Dream Car Giveaways Legit?

At this point, you’re probably asking yourself if this is even a real thing. Are people really giving away cars and other random prizes just because they can? Lucky for you, we made some inquiries and found that it is a legitimate company.

Gagnants légitimes de Dream Car Giveaways

Des sites Web comme Trustpilot nous fournissent des commentaires vérifiés de nos clients sur leur expérience avec 

the company and what it offers. This helps build confidence when we consider that real people have shared their honest opinions about the company, and most have been positive.

The company website also features numerous regularly updated reviews from its winners, expressing their excitement at winning and their thoughts about the process.

As of September, the reviews of Dream Car giveaways on TrustPilot are overwhelmingly positive. With an average score of 4.8 out of 5, they rank among the top 10% of giveaway websites based in the UK. 

Page d'avis de TrustPilot sur les cadeaux de voiture de rêve

Most reviews applaud their unbelievable prices, transparency, and quick and easy way to claim winnings after a contest.

A small minority of users are also dissatisfied with Dream Car Giveaways because they suspect that the contest odds are manipulated, meaning no prize is waiting for them at the end of the day. They believe the contest hosts determine the odds in favor of their preferred entrants.

Certains utilisateurs ont également affirmé que, parfois, lorsque les ventes de billets ne sont pas satisfaites, les compétitions sont annulées, ce qui entraîne un gaspillage de vos frais d'inscription.

Bien que nous croyions fermement que tous les commentaires sont importants pour nous aider à prendre les décisions les plus éclairées dans notre intérêt, nous reconnaissons que jusqu'à présent, les expériences positives des utilisateurs actuels l'emportent de loin sur les négatives. 

So we recommend caution, but we also think it’s worth trying.

7 étapes pour gagner les meilleurs cadeaux de voiture de rêve

Our team has looked into this thoroughly and found the essential steps you need to take to win the best dream car giveaways this year.

1. Pick the Competition You’re Interested in

The first step to winning Dream Car giveaway contests is determining which contest you’d like to participate in. The website offers a variety of competitions, so find the one that piques your interest and start winning! 

Prix du site Web Dream Car Giveaways et concours disponibles parmi lesquels choisir

The journey to winning your prize may be long and discouraging, especially when you may have to try several times before eventually recording a victory. This is why selecting prizes you consider worthy of all that effort is important.

Des voitures à l'argent liquide, en passant par les montres et même la technologie, les cadeaux Dream Car ne manquent pas de prix alléchants pour garder leurs concurrents intéressés, et nous sommes convaincus que vous trouverez quelque chose qui vaut la peine d'être participé.

2. Enter as Many Times as You Can

Chaque concours comporte un nombre maximum de participations qu'un participant peut effectuer par concours. Il est important de participer autant de fois qu'un concours le permet pour augmenter vos chances de gagner.

Les frais d'inscription au concours sont généralement abordables, vous permettant de faire beaucoup plus de participations sans trop de problèmes. Les prix varient en fonction du concours et peuvent aller de 0,89 livre par entrée à 7,99 livres par entrée, c'est donc à vous de décider du nombre d'entrées que vous pouvez vous permettre.

La stratégie « participez autant de fois » de Dream Car Giveaways est expliquée

Remember that entries aren’t limitless, so check the number of entries you can make per competition. You can also enter these contests for free via the postal route.

Vous devez envoyer vos informations correctes, c'est-à-dire votre nom, votre adresse, votre numéro de téléphone et votre adresse e-mail, ainsi que votre réponse à la question du concours, à l'adresse du bureau indiquée sur leur site Web.

Each free entry must be submitted separately, so if you intend to make multiple entries for a contest, be sure to send them one at a time. Bulk entries will be considered one single entry.

3. Answer the ‘Competition Question’ Correctly

Pour avoir une chance de gagner un concours, il est très important de répondre correctement à la question du concours auquel vous participez, alors faites de votre mieux pour choisir la bonne réponse !

The questions take a multiple-choice format and come from diverse topics. From asking about car models of famous brands to country capitals and even questions about specific animal traits, the competition question can be about almost anything, no matter how random.

Exemple de question du concours Dream Car Giveaways

They are typically not difficult and aim to test your general knowledge. But while they might not be challenging, they’re important in winning the grand prize. So, think carefully about your answers and cross-check them if you can. Remember, Google is your friend, so don’t be shy about using it.

4. Keep Up With Their Social Media

Another helpful tip to increase your chances of winning is to stay updated on the website and the official social media handles.

Les cadeaux Dream Car sont très populaires dans la communauté des cadeaux et, en tant que tels, ils ont déjà une présence en ligne assez saine avec des communautés actives sur sa plateforme de médias sociaux.

Page Instagram officielle et réseaux sociaux de Dream Car Giveaways

Faire partie de ces communautés est toujours un bon moyen de rester connecté à ce qui se passe et de ne jamais manquer les informations importantes qui circulent.

Jusqu'à présent, vous pouvez les trouver via leur Facebook, Instagramet YouTube channels. You can also subscribe to their newsletters to get notified about new competitions via the email you provide.

En plus de garder un œil sur leur site Web, rechercher leurs plateformes de médias sociaux est une bonne idée. Vous pouvez également télécharger leurs applications iOS ou Android depuis les magasins d'applications ou leur site web pour y accéder facilement.

5. Ensure Your Eligibility

Unfortunately, these contests aren’t for everyone, so it’s important to ensure you’re eligible to participate in Dream Car giveaways.

The competitions are only open to people 18 and older, so minors are ineligible to participate.

Éligibilité et conditions générales pour les cadeaux Dream Car

Also, any and all participants must be residents of the UK or the Republic of Ireland. As mentioned earlier in this article, the company has yet to expand beyond these regions. Still, we suspect that that may be on their agenda in the foreseeable future.

En outre, il est important de noter que le concours n'est pas ouvert aux employés de l'entreprise, à leurs fournisseurs ou agents, ni à la famille immédiate ou au foyer des personnes appartenant à cette catégorie.

6. Follow Contest Rules

S'assurer de respecter le règlement du concours est un bon moyen d'augmenter vos chances de gagner sans craindre d'être disqualifié.

Bien que nous ayons décrit les principales règles dont vous devez être conscient dans les parties précédentes de cet article, nous vous recommandons de consulter les termes et conditions des compétitions pour vous assurer que vous êtes sur la même longueur d'onde.

Instructions des cadeaux Dream Car sur la façon de participer au concours et de suivre les règles du concours

For instance, the competition does not allow for refunds of entry fees, regardless of the situation. So, you’ll need to be careful when entering your contest to avoid making mistakes and risk losing your entry fee.

7. Be Persistent

Il y a de fortes chances que vous deviez participer à plusieurs compétitions plusieurs fois avant de remporter une victoire.

Ainsi, même si augmenter vos chances peut vous donner de plus grandes chances de gagner, les cadeaux restent généralement des jeux de chance. Ne pas abandonner s'applique également à la participation à des cadeaux similaires, tels que le Cadeaux Omaze, qui sont connus pour leurs précieux prix.

Restez positif, appliquez tous les conseils que nous avons partagés avec vous ci-dessus et continuez d'essayer car la victoire à la fin en vaut toujours la peine !

Dream Car Giveaways: Final Thoughts

Les cadeaux Dream Car sont une excellente opportunité pour les amateurs de voitures (et les amateurs de produits gratuits) de gagner la voiture de leurs rêves à des prix qui semblent presque trop beaux pour être vrais.

Les cadeaux Dream Car sont également un bon endroit pour les personnes cherchant à vendre des voitures. Tout ce que vous aurez à faire est d'envoyer des photos et des détails sur la voiture à l'équipe d'examen via son e-mail officiel, [email protected], et ils vous indiqueront les prochaines étapes à suivre après son examen.

All in all, if you’re looking for where to find other amazing prizes you could win, a reliable place to sell your car, or even a way to contribute to a special cause while standing a chance to win a fantastic prize, Dream Car giveaways is the place to be in September 2024!

You can also discover cool new places to win fabulous prizes by checking our live giveaway feeds on Liste des cadeaux

a Dream Car Giveaway prize.

FAQ sur les cadeaux de voiture de rêve

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about dream car giveaways:

Are the Dream Car Giveaways Legit?

Dream Car Giveaways is generally considered legitimate, with a good reputation and positive reviews from many participants. However, some users have raised concerns about certain aspects of the giveaways.

It’s always important to research and read the terms and conditions before participating in any online giveaway. While many people have had positive experiences, this does not guarantee winning or negate the need for caution. Always ensure you’re comfortable with the terms before participating.

Do People Actually Win Car Giveaways?

Ils font! Leur site Web propose une page des gagnants dédiée à tous les heureux gagnants des concours précédents.

Vous pouvez également trouver les gagnants des concours terminés plus récemment en visitant les pages Concours et Live Draw.

How Long Do Dream Car Giveaways Last?

The competition’s opening and closing dates are generally stated on the website and aren’t adjusted unless absolutely necessary.

The random draw to select the winner occurs a reasonable time after the closing date. Typically, 7 days after.

How Do You Win the Dream Car Giveaway?

To participate in a Dream Car Giveaway, you first need to choose a prize you’d love to win from the current competitions. Then, select the number of tickets you’d like from the dropdown.

Answer the question correctly before you hit the ‘enter now’ button. While there’s no guaranteed way to win, you can increase your chances of success by reading the rules and regulations carefully, following all instructions provided by the sponsoring organization, and entering as many dream car giveaways as possible.

What Prizes Do Dream Car Giveaways Offer? 

At Dream Car giveaways, you stand a chance to win various prizes. Don’t let the name fool you; they offer many fabulous prizes.

Ils vont de voitures réelles, d'articles technologiques, de prix en espèces et même de montres, alors surfez sur le site Web et voyez ce qui attire votre attention !

Where are Dream Car Giveaways Based?

Dream Car Giveaways is based in England and the UK and has active regional offices.

The company’s registered address is Worcestershire, England, WRI 3DB, and its main trading address is Berry Hill Estate, Droitwich, WR9 9AB.

All eligible participants interested in making free entries into competitions must deliver such entries to the company’s trading address mentioned above. Visit their website for detailed directions on how to proceed correctly.

What are Dream Points on Dream Car Giveaways?

Dream Points are a form of site credit used in Dream Car Giveaways. They can be won through competitions, often as part of app-exclusive giveaways. For example, 10,000 Dream Points equate to £100 in site credit. These points can be used to participate in different giveaways on the site.

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