Cadeaux pour la fête des pères en 5 étapes faciles – Guide complet 2024

Father’s Day Giveaways 2024: An Overview

Father’s Day is an excellent day to do something extraordinary for your father. Whether you’d love to surprise your pops with a gift but are strapped for cash or you’re hoping to run a Father’s Day giveaway for your customers, we have you covered. 

In this article, we’ll show you how to enter to win a free Father’s Day gift and Father’s Day giveaway ideas for those who want to create one.

Let’s start with entering a Father’s Day giveaway in July 2024 to get free prizes and presents.

What Can I Do for Father’s Day Without Money?

This question has puzzled many of us. You’re looking forward to giving a gift, but you’re not looking forward to the money leaving your account. 

Well, the solution is here! Father’s Day giveaways are one way you could try to find a gift for Father’s Day.

Alternatively, you might choose to purchase a deal or discount instead. That isn’t entirely free but much cheaper than face-priced items.

A bunch of Father's Day gifts.

Where Can I Find a Father’s Day Giveaway?

Finding Father’s Day giveaways can be relatively easy if done correctly. Here is a list of places you need to start checking.

1. Instagram Father’s Day Giveaways

Le présent Instagram Father’s Day Giveaway list features giveaways suitable for all personalities. The prizes range from cash to other unique gifts. The list is updated frequently to include the year’s newest Father’s Day giveaways.

screenshot of an Instragram Father's day Giveaway list.

2. Twitter Father’s Day Giveaway

You can find the latest Father’s Day giveaway ici. In this list, the prizes in the giveaways are huge and embody the true meaning of fatherhood. These giveaways are frequently updated for the best results.

screenshot of a Father's Day Giveaway post on Twitter.

3. Father’s Day Giveaway on Pinterest

Various brands, organizations, and individuals have provided a giveaway for Father’s Day on this platform. This Pinterest dashboard is always up-to-date with the latest Father’s Day giveaway information.

Father's Day Giveaway pins on Pinterest.

You’ll also find a host of giveaways on sites de tiers tels que Rafflecopter et Brillance et des forums tels que Reddit.

Father's Day giveaway banner.

5 Steps to Finding Father’s Day Giveaways

Here are 5 tips for mastering Father’s Day giveaways in 2024 and find the best.

1. Father’s Day Hashtags

When using social media to find giveaways, we recommend using the most popular hashtags to narrow the choices.

Les marques n'utilisent pas seulement des hashtags courants, mais aussi des hashtags qui deviennent "tendance" sur les médias sociaux. Nous en avons trouvé quelques-uns pour vous ici.

You’re guaranteed to find the most popular giveaways when you search using trending hashtags. 

Here are the standard hashtags: #fathersday, #fathersdaygifts, #fathersdaygiveaway, or #happyfathersday; here are some creative ones: #giftideas #fatherhood #fathersdaygiftideas.

Consultez les données sur les hashtags en vogue que nous avons trouvées sur

Hashtags populaires pour la fête des pères

2. Local Businesses

You might know the term “shop small” and support independent businesses. Small businesses are catching up with the more prominent brands on the market and offering their customers the same perks. Look out for local business giveaways.

We suggest you think of companies close to home or those you admire online. Check their social media to see if they hold Father’s Day giveaways, discounts, or deals.

3. Forum Feeds

Check out the Reddit platform to find Father’s Day giveaways. When you search “giveaway” in Reddit, you get a list of subreddits. We recommend using the subreddit search term r/giveaways pour des listes de cadeaux spécifiques.

Vous pouvez également utiliser la fonction r/AskReddit subreddit to ask any Father’s Day and giveaway-related questions. 

When we search “Father’s Day giveaway” in Reddit, some subreddits pop up: r/lakers, r/patriots, r/braveset r/steelers. This tells us that sports giveaways are a big hit with Father’s Day prizes.

4. Third Party Sites

We recommend you check out Cadeaux Gleam when searching for Father’s Day giveaways.

You only need to sign up with a social media account for Gleam giveaways. You can then enter Gleam “contests” and giveaways with a single click.

Another great way to enter and find the latest Gleam Father’s Day giveaways is via social media. Follow Gleam on social media to see the latest giveaways shared on their profiles.

Gleam father’s day giveaway.

5. Liste des cadeaux

To finish our Father’s Day giveaway list, check out our live lists below! Giveaway Listing lists active giveaways, and those lists are updated every hour. There, you will find Father’s Day giveaways when the date approaches. 

How to Win a Father’s Day Giveaway?

There are some ways to boost your chances of winning. Here’s a list to check off when you enter a Father’s Day giveaway. 

  • Participez à plusieurs concours. Cela peut sembler assez simple, mais assurez-vous de trouver le temps de participer à d'autres concours.
  • Follow the rules. Don’t try to cheat to lessen your chances of winning. It won’t pay off in the long run.
  • Enter as many times as possible. If you’re given the option for bonus entries, take them! You can sometimes enter giveaways more than once, and we suggest you do.
  • Utilisez notre guide des cadeaux ! N'oubliez pas de consulter à nouveau ce guide si vous avez besoin d'un rafraîchissement. Nous sommes là pour vous aider.

Les concours auxquels moins de personnes participent signifient moins de concurrence, ce qui vous donne une plus grande chance de gagner le concours.

Vous pouvez essayer de trouver et de participer à des concours pour petites entreprises afin d'augmenter vos chances de gagner.

Happy father’s day giveaway banner.

Which Companies Do Free Father’s Day Giveaways?

Big-chain stores typically offer annual discounts for Father’s Day, whereas smaller companies and social media influencers hold giveaways.

To find these companies offering free Father’s Day giveaways, follow the guidelines above.

Deals and Discounts

You should also check out “food freebies and discounts” at this time of year, especially for Father’s Day. Depending on your location, you will find retailers, restaurant chains, and fast-food joints running some promotions.

Voici d'autres idées d'endroits où vous devez chercher des offres et des réductions.

  • Recherche sur Groupon for Father’s Day deals
  • Petits magasins locaux indépendants
  • Grandes épiceries et chaînes de magasins
  • Amazon
  • Cible

Creating a Father’s Day Giveaway

If you’d like to hold a Father’s Day giveaway but are unsure where to start, you’re in the right place!

First, let’s discuss gift ideas for your themed giveaway. We’ll also give you a list of the best prizes your customers will love to win.

Father’s Day Giveaway Gift Ideas

If you want to run your giveaway, Father’s Day is the perfect time to start. Before running your giveaway, you must know what prize to give the winner.

Check out the following sections when considering your Father’s Day giveaway gift.

  1. Select a Father’s Day-themed gift. If you have digital items such as gift cards, why not personalize one with a themed message?
  2. You might want to choose some of your newest product lines or offerings to promote them. That way, you may boost their sales while running the giveaway.
Father's Day appreciation tags.

Selon le Amazon, here are some of the most popular gifts purchased for Father’s Day.

  • Cafetière à infusion froide
  • Coupe-bordure et coupe-bordure sans fil
  • Rouleau en mousse d'exercice
  • Tondeuse et rasoir électriques
  • Chaise de camping avec table d'appoint
  • Kits de jardinage et de culture d'intérieur

You may not have all the suggestions above depending on your brand or company. That’s okay; there are more ideas for you.

What Makes a Great Father’s Day Giveaway?

Nearly half of all customers will search for their Father’s Day gifts online this year, and the number is steadily rising. 

A Father’s Day promotion is one easy way to grab their attention and get potential new customers.

Running a Father’s Day giveaway on Instagram is a top way to celebrate this holiday online. You can boost your traffic in the process, leading to more sales.

5 Tips for a Great Giveaway

To run a great Father’s Day giveaway on Instagram or a social channel, here are 5 tips to follow:

1. Choose Your Giveaway Type

When preparing your Instagram (or social) giveaway, you must choose between commenting to win, reposting to win, or creating a post (and tagging your account).

Par exemple, vous pouvez demander à vos utilisateurs de commenter leurs souvenirs préférés impliquant leurs pères sur votre article. Vous pouvez également leur demander de partager une photo sur leur compte et de vous identifier.

2. Include All of the Details

You want your customers to know about the prize and how to enter the giveaway. Make sure you include the following information.

  • La description du prix et la photo du/des prix
  • Les règles du concours, y compris les personnes autorisées à participer (restrictions liées au pays ou à l'âge)
  • La date et l'heure de la fin du concours.
  • Toute clause de non-responsabilité nécessaire (en particulier une clause indiquant qu'Instagram ne vous soutient pas).
  • The terms & conditions and where to find them (if applicable), such as a link in bio.

3. Create a Memorable Experience

This is impactful if you have loyal fans or customers. Even if you’re starting, there is a way to take your giveaway to the next level. Father’s Day is the perfect time to collect memorable user-generated content.

Vous pouvez demander à vos followers d'utiliser le hashtag de votre campagne. Comme indiqué ci-dessus, vous pouvez leur demander de créer des posts mentionnant votre marque dans leurs descriptions, commentaires et hashtags.

Use the social media app search function to find all the entries, or streamline with the Mention + Hashtag app. This app collects all of the entries in a gallery. There, you can pick your favorite!

4. Collaborate With Another Brand

This tip will be highly beneficial if you want to pair your strengths with another brand. Some brands may find connecting a prize with the holiday difficult, yet they have something else to offer.

If you’d like to boost your sales by collaborating, you could pair up with someone to run a co-branded giveaway on Instagram. This would increase your visibility and reach a wider audience.

5. Make it Personal

Personalized prizes or rewards (such as discounts or gift cards) will show you care about your customers.

Vous n'avez pas besoin de produits personnalisés pour ajouter une touche personnelle à votre offre. Il existe plusieurs façons de personnaliser vos prix.

  • Choisissez un prix assorti d'options telles qu'une gamme de couleurs
  • Demander aux utilisateurs de commenter une série de prix et de choisir celui qu'ils préfèrent.
  • Partagez des codes de réduction pour des produits spécifiques que vos clients peuvent choisir
  • Give away gift cards with a “to” and “from” section. This also lets them choose their gift from your store/webshop.
Carte cadeau pour la fête des pères

Father’s Day Gift Card

Besides giveaways, you can promote the event in different ways to celebrate the occasion with your followers.

  • Father’s Day deals: While you might not be running a giveaway this year, you could promote your products by promoting Father’s Day on your store or business home page. 
  • Classer les dons et les offrandes par catégories: By categorizing gifts and offerings on your site or social media accounts, you can help your customers find the right Father’s Day gift.
  • Campagne de marketing par courriel: You can send Father’s Day wishlists, gift guides, or coupon codes this way to remind them about the upcoming date. You can quickly boost your traffic with a personalized email.
  • Refresh your sites for Father’s Day: Your customers may be shopping for the perfect gift. Refreshing your site specifically for Father’s Day helps them choose one. This is your chance to win over potential new customers, too. You can consider the color scheme and select themed photos for the occasion.

What is Essential for a Father’s Day Giveaway?

For the most essential aesthetic and practical details to include for your giveaway, consider the following:

  1. Eye-catching colors and images: A beautiful giveaway will look professional and engaging. Use eye-catching colors and imagery to make your giveaway stand out and suit your brand.
  2. An attractive prize: The giveaway prize will be the key reason users enter your giveaway. You should include the retail value of the prize to make it more enticing.
  3. Call-to-action: You want everyone to know you’re running a giveaway, and you should make it easier for them to enter. If it calls for it, you should use a call-to-action button (for entry) that’s easy to spot.
  4. Bonus entries: The more options people have for entering your giveaway, the more time they’ll spend doing it.
  5. Giveaway rules: Always include the giveaway terms and conditions. You should mention who is eligible to enter and how often they can.

Father’s Day Giveaway: Final Words

Whether you’re hoping to win a Father’s Day giveaway or looking for Father’s Day giveaway ideas to run your own, this guide helps you achieve what you set out to do!

Follow our Giveaway Listing to see the live feed of our giveaways and improve your chances of winning. For more, check out our social media: Facebook, Twitteret Instagram.

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