Today’s Hamster Kombat Puzzle Solution – October 10 Answer

The Hamster Kombat puzzle game is the most reliable way to unlock the secret keys that will be used in the upcoming airdrop.

This new puzzle is the most difficult of the four daily challenges and requires planning. This guide provides three options for practicing and solving the Hamster Kombat Puzzle Game.

Here are the three solutions that you can choose:

  1. Experiment with our custom Hamster Kombat Puzzle practice tool/simulator until you can consistently solve the puzzle in less than 60 seconds
  2. Play the Key Mini Game Solution video at average speed to understand the pace you must maintain while solving the puzzle.
  3. If you still have trouble with the solution, watch the embedded YouTube solution video, which is played slowly and has detailed instructions.

The puzzle game guide, video solution, and simulator all get updated daily throughout March 2025.

Hamster Kombat Puzzle Solution – October 10

The quick video below shows the solution to the Hamster Kombat puzzle mini-game in real time. It was updated on 31-03-2025.

If the above video solution is too fast for you, check our slowed-down video guide below in the Video Guide section.

Solving the mini-game puzzle will reward you with various in-game tokens that can be used for various uses in the app, such as buying skins, upgrading cards, and more.

Hamster Kombat Puzzle Mini Game Video Guide

You must quickly solve the daily Hamster Kombat mini-game puzzle, as you only have 30 seconds from start to finish. The official video in the app provides the solution but has a low resolution and fast execution speed, making it difficult to get it right.

Therefore, we created a new video tutorial with a higher resolution and slower execution so you can practice and perfect the movements at your own pace before trying to solve the puzzle.

We suggest practicing the candlestick bar movements 3 to 5 times while watching Giveaway Listing’s slowed-down video tutorial before initiating the puzzle.

Hamster Kombat Key Mini Game Answers video tutorial

Once you have practiced the movements enough and memorized the sequence, you are ready to start the puzzle timer.

You can also use the screenshot below to remember the starting position of each block in the puzzle

Hamster Kombat Puzzle Solution - October 10

Note that each green candle can only move horizontally, and each red candle can only move vertically.

If you still can’t figure out how to play the new mini game, use the step-by-step guide in the following section

Hamster Kombat Puzzle Game Tips & Strategy

If you fail to solve the test, you will have to wait 1 hour and 30 minutes before you can try again, as shown in the screenshot below:

Hamster Kombat Mini Game  time expiration pop up

To avoid multiple failures and running out of time, we suggest practicing with the tutorial video at least 3 to 5 times in your head while also applying the same movements with your index finger.

This will help you build the necessary muscle memory to execute the puzzle-unlocking sequence before the 30-second timer expires.

When you feel ready, click the minigame button (top right corner of the app) in the Exchange tab.

Hamster Kombat daily activities and bonuses including the daily reward, daily cipher, daily combo, and the mini game puzzle.

One pop-up will open with a big “Play” button. Don’t click it yet! Instead, open the video in this guide on another screen that you have available (laptop or desktop monitors work best, as they have large screen space).

Hamster Kombat Mini Game Start Button

At this point, you have to prepare your tutorial video so it starts playing the solution the exact moment you try to solve it in the app.

You can pause the video and set it to the very beginning of the video progress bar, as shown in the example below.

instructions on a screenshot on how to prepare the video solution for the Hamster Kombat mini game

After preparing the video, go back to the app, tap “Play,” and click the pause button on your second device to start playing the tutorial.

At this point, you must imitate each step in the video within the mini-game.

To release the key, you have to move the candlesticks (those red and green rectangles) across the empty squares of the grid until the key has sufficient space to exit to the center-right side, as indicated by the arrow.

Hamster Kombat Key Mini Game Puzzle  Screenshot

Placing the candlesticks in the correct position requires some detailed planning. Don’t expect to clear the key with rapid movements without having a proper plan.

Pace yourself and execute each movement carefully, not too fast but not too slow. Accuracy is critical, as one wrong move can cost you several seconds.

If you complete all steps successfully, you will earn one HAmster Kombat key, which will be used to unlock some cool rewards shortly.

How to unlock all Hamster Kombat daily games?

Hamster Kombat currently has 5 daily games that help you unlock various bonuses. The five games are:

  1. Daily Reward
  2. Daily Combo Cards
  3. Daily Cipher
  4. Puzzle Mini Game
  5. Playground

This guide explored solutions to the fourth daily reward, the Hamster Kombat key mini-game.

You can find the daily answers to the Daily Combo Cards here, and the Daily Cipher code here.

The Daily reward is much more straightforward. It only requires you to click a button every day or follow the project’s official social media channels.

We hope you found this guide useful. If you have any questions, please share your comments below!