Run Viral TikTok Giveaways in 2024 – 7 Step Genius Tik Tok Marketing Guide

TikTok giveaways in 2024

If you’re trying to work out how to do a giveaway on TikTok, you’ve come to the right place.

We will show you how to grow your TikTok following and how to do that with a giveaway. What’s more, we’ll help you make your TikTok giveaway go viral!

Due to the exchange of videos on this insanely popular platform and the number of people in the audience, TikTok is the perfect place to run a giveaway and a viral one at that.

Not only can a TikTok giveaway bring your brand heaps of engagement, but it can also bring you heaps of new leads.

By the way, we also have a TikTok giveaway guide dedicated to entrants who wish to win more prizes. Check out our Win a TikTok giveaway guide if that’s what you’re looking for!

Time being of the essence, we will dive right into everything related to giveaways on TikTok and help you set one from the ground up in May 2024.

Man holding a phone with a TikTok logo and a pink background

Can I do a giveaway on TikTok?

Yes, you can run a giveaway on TikTok! Whether you’re just starting out on the platform or have been there since its inception, you will soon discover that giveaways on TikTok are the perfect way to boost your brand or business.

The best thing about the process is how easy they are to set up, and the viral nature of the platform drives real engagement with your TikTok profile.

You can use this engagement to your advantage to get more followers, increase post views, and track the results automatically. The best way to track your progress on TikTok is to use the help of third-party apps – we’ll share which ones are best later on.

Maybe you’ve heard the hype about TikTok (if you’re into that sort of thing), and you’ve heard that it’s shaken the social media world by storm boasting over 3 billion downloads.

With that figure in mind, the chances are high that a considerable percentage of your audience are active users.

If you want to grow your following on your social media channels and drive a buzz around your brand or business, doing a TikTok giveaway is for you!

So with that energy to put into creating your giveaway, we’ll first show you the basics and get your TikTok giveaway ball rolling. 

TikTok logo banner with grey background

How do I set up a giveaway on TikTok?

Setting up a giveaway on TikTok is as easy as 1, 2, 3! To be exact, we’ve outlined how to set up a giveaway in seven steps. 

Before you set up your giveaway on TikTok, we will show you around the platform. If you’re unfamiliar with it, this step can work to your advantage before you try and design your giveaway.

Running a giveaway comes with its own challenges, and if you’re not used to using the platform, you could run into all sorts of problems before you run your giveaway. 

So, what’s it like to navigate around the site? Let’s find out!

If you haven’t already done so, create an account on TikTok.

Sign up for TikTok landing page

Once you’re logged into the application, you can upload your content (next to the log-in button) on the top right of the screen.

Log in to TikTok and upload your content on the app

Notice the bottom left hashtag section of the platform. You can search for relatable content and things of interest to research your giveaway ideas.

TikTok website screenshot

Check out the bottom left section also, where you can download TikTok for your desktop and the TikTok App for your phone.

Key points

When you run a giveaway on social media, the key thing before setting it up is defining your goals so you can track your results.

It’s the same process for your TikTok giveaway as any social media giveaway. You want to know why you’re setting up the giveaway in the first place.

There needs to be an equal benefit for you and your audience, so we’ll show you how to achieve that while achieving measurable success.

We’ll now help your giveaway blow up (in a good way)!

How do I make my Tik Tok giveaway go viral?

To begin mapping out your TikTok giveaway, you should get creative when considering what it could bring to your business.

We suggest focusing your giveaway campaign on increasing engagement, i.e., the number of views, comments, follows, and shares you get.

When your engagement booms on TikTok, the algorithm pushes your content in front of a wider audience. You’ll be running viral giveaways in no time with consistency!

Beauty brand huge giveaway on TikTok

We suggest you conduct a little market research and find out what’s popular on TikTok. Get to know the platform (if you don’t already) to give you a good chance of sailing through the process of running your giveaway.

You should check out what your competitors are doing. By browsing similar businesses to yours, you can find out what’s trending for them and what posts are seeing the most engagement.

When studying their giveaways, try to determine if the pace, music, narration, or prizes might draw people in. Once you’ve figured this out, make a note of the highlights to incorporate these themes into your giveaway strategy.

TikTok giveaway suggestions on the platform to conduct market research

That’s a good start for your TikTok giveaway. There are more steps than this to make your giveaway on TikTok go viral, and we’ll discuss those next!

Make your Tik Tok giveaway go viral in 7 steps

Here are 7 steps to help your Tik Tok giveaway go viral!

1. Set a TikTok giveaway goal

Before you start your giveaway on TikTok, it’s best to take your time to consider how this marketing campaign fits into your overall marketing strategy. You should start by asking yourself some questions. 

Do you want to drive product sales? Do you want to get your business or brand in front of your target audience? Would you like to grow a following to build your own media biz from the ground up?

By now, we know that TikTok presents an excellent opportunity to influence your audience in the right direction. But to grow on any social media platform, you need to have goals in mind to produce the best results and be able to track them.

Currently, you can’t add links to individual posts on TikTok, much like its rivals Snapchat and Instagram. So it doesn’t work against you, we’ll cover other methods to promote your giveaway.

Tip: Don’t forget to decide the duration of the giveaway at this stage. Somewhere between 1 – 3 weeks is the average duration for standard social media giveaways. 

If you’re hosting a contest, make it up to 4 weeks long.

TikTok video contest challenge with a man on a mobile phone with a Tik Tok logo

2. Choose an amazing prize

Once you’ve set your TikTok giveaway goals, it’s time to choose a prize that will entice your audience. This is a crucial component for making your giveaway go viral! 

Even your most loyal followers won’t enter your TikTok sweepstakes if your prize isn’t irresistible. You want an amazing prize on offer, so your loyal fans and people who have just discovered you enter the contest!

Take note of the following tips to understand what tends to perform well in any social media giveaway. Implement these tips and watch your giveaway soar!

Tip: If you are an established brand with a sizeable budget, you could afford to give away more valuable prizes or high-end ones. But remember, valuable can also mean something of value and useful, not necessarily expensive.

Depending on what you sell or what service you provide, you can tailor your prize toward your ideal customer. Ask yourself, what would they like to win?

A great example of a TikTok giveaway prize is one that’s relevant to the brand. Just check out this one below. The following beauty brand gave away gift packs of their products!

TikTok giveaway to win beauty gift packs on a pink background

Bonus: they shared this TikTok giveaway on Facebook!

If you’re just starting out, don’t worry about giving away an expensive prize. Smaller brands with smaller budgets can give away equally valuable prizes!

Whatever your prize, you want to find a prize that your audience will love. You know your audience best – make the prize relevant to their needs and desires. 

Aim to give your audience an equally enticing, useful, and relevant prize.

3. Set up your TikTok giveaway rules

After you’ve chosen an attractive and relevant prize for your TikTok giveaway, it’s time to set your giveaway rules and guidelines. For that, you need to know what type of giveaway you’ll hold. 

Various TikTok giveaway entry methods are available, so be sure about which ones best suit your campaign goals. Here’s how to do that.

  1. Trivia quiz (contest). This is best suited for brands who want to run quizzes. This can be useful for collecting marketing data from your audience.
  2. Like or comment to win (giveaway). The easiest giveaway entry method and is suited for all businesses. Not only is it easy, but it’s quick to execute and effective.
  3. User-generated content (contest). Entrants need to create a video and send it to you!

All three methods above are technically giveaways, except that two are more like contests. The entrant has to do more when entering contests and use skill or talent to compete against others.

TikTok Big Mac dance and win challenge

Tip: The most straightforward way to run giveaways on TikTok is to ask your followers to execute one specific type of engagement. For instance, asking them to like or comment on a post.

It’s also the simplest in terms of deciding the winner, as all you need to do is pick one from those who participated. 

There are third-party apps to help you manage these steps, such as SweepWidget. We’ll cover that now in the next step!

4. Use a third-party app

As mentioned, apps such as SweepWidget make it easy to manage your giveaways on TikTok. 

By using SweepWidget (and some other third-party apps), you can allow your entrants to join your TikTok giveaway using some of the following actions. 

  • Like a video
  • Watch a video
  • Share a video
  • Visit a profile
  • Follow your profile
  • Comment on a video
  • Use branded hashtags

The actions that make up your giveaway entry rules are vital in making your TikTok giveaway go viral. All of the actions should boost the reach of your giveaway video to give it the best chance of going viral.

Other third-party apps that are excellent for hosting TikTok giveaways:

  1. AppSorteos
  2. SocialMan
  3. ShortStack
  4. RafflePress

Check them out! These apps make it easy to manage and streamline your giveaways.

App Sorteos blue banner with pink confetti for TikTok giveaways

5. Launch your TikTok giveaway

After you create your TikTok giveaway, it’s time to share it with the world.

When using one of the third-party apps, you can embed the giveaway link into your website or use a free hosted landing page. This is one of the most attractive ways to host effective giveaways, as they look professional.

All you need to do to embed your giveaway anywhere is simply copy and paste the link into the HTML of your site.

Here’s how your TikTok giveaway account might look on the SocialMan app.

TikTok giveaways on the SocialMan app

Most third-party apps allow you to customize your profile and personalize the look of your giveaway. There are many eye-catching designs to choose from!

Once you’ve published your giveaway across all your sites, add the link to your TikTok bio and share it on all your stories. 

Note: if you choose not to use a third-party app, you need to create a standard video post on TikTok and include all of the giveaway information on the post. 

Top tip: you can make your video as snazzy as you would if you used a third-party app! If you’re on a budget, we recommend using the free version of Canva to design your video. 

6. Promote your TikTok giveaway

Once your TikTok giveaway is set up, it’s easy to forget about the promotional side of things. To ensure your video goes viral, you must promote it consistently. The hard work has just begun!

Promoting your video giveaway is one of the most important components of stirring viral engagement on TikTok. It’s so important, we have dedicated a whole section to it after this one.

Thankfully, you can get assistance for this step to help you maximize your results. For this step, you can take advantage of the third-party apps yet again.

The apps contain functions such as viral share giveaway entries. These functions allow you to refer a friend (or encourage shares) – it’s an action that ties in with your TikTok entry methods.

The benefit of the viral share actions is that they encourage your fans to share your TikTok giveaway landing page with their feeds in exchange for more entry points!

Check out the TikTok giveaway below that asks entrants to follow, share, like, and tag 3 friends to enter the giveaway for a t-shirt prize.

Entry rules in TikTok t-shirt giveaway

7. Choose your TikTok giveaway winner

After you’ve promoted your giveaway like crazy and let the platform work its magic, it’s time to bring your campaign to a close and announce the winner.

There’s no function dedicated to picking your TikTok giveaway winner on the platform. However, you will find that third-party apps make this process incredibly smooth!

If you don’t use a third-party app, don’t stress. You can manually select your winner, but just a word of warning that this option will cost you time. 

Not using an app: if you have run a contest type of giveaway, you will have to manually select your winner anyway! But, the third-party apps allow you to pool all of your entries together in one place to pick your winner. 

Using apps: depending on how you’ve structured your giveaway, you can either randomly select a winner or manually select a winner when using third-party apps.

To finalize your giveaway, publish a video update on TikTok announcing the winner. In the video, make sure you note the following points. 

  • You first need to announce the lucky winner!
  • Remind the viewer about your giveaway and prize. Note how your winner will receive the prize and any details about it, especially if you’re promoting it!
  • Share how many giveaway entries you received. You can manually count the entries, but that’s a mission if you’re a huge brand. You will have access to a definite number if you use a third-party app. 
  • Make sure to thank your followers for participating! Keep them interested by telling them to watch out for your next giveaway.

Check out this example below. The giveaway holder announces the winner live on air while using a third-party app to select the winner. 

Giveaway winners announcement live on TikTok

Bonus tip

After your giveaway is done, use this phase to measure your results. This will be super easy with the use of a third-party app, but it’s still possible to do this without one.

The only difference between these options is the amount of time each will take, as manually doing this on your own takes a little longer. 

At this point, you want to go back to the beginning and back to your drawing board to measure your success. You should assess if you reached the TikTok giveaway goals you laid out before you designed your campaign.

Did you reach your objectives? Review your targets and milestones you reached to see how your giveaway marketing influenced your results.

Top tip: Use whatever you learn during the process for the next giveaway you host!

To assess your results, we recommend you use TikTok’s pro account to view your analytics. It’s entirely free to do so! 

The pro account allows you to see useful data on your TikTok account, such as:

  • Your follower demographics
  • Individual content performance
  • Video views and follower numbers

How to switch to a pro TikTok account

Here’s how you can switch to a business (or pro) account on TikTok. Follow these steps:

  • Open the mobile app and tap on profile in the bottom right of the screen.
  • Tap on the upper right corner menu to open the settings and privacy tab.
  • Select “manage account” and tap the “switch to business account” option.
  • Tap “next” and select the relevant category for your business.
  • Then confirm your selection by tapping the “next” button.
TikTok mobile application and how to switch to a pro-business account

If you’re versed with Instagram analytics, you will quickly understand TikTok analytics as it’s very similar.

That’s it for the steps to creating your viral TikTok giveaway! You’re all set to get going, but hold on, as there’s more where that came from!

As promised, we’ll now go into greater depth about how to promote your giveaways on TikTok.

How do you promote giveaways on TikTok?

Once you’ve announced your giveaway on TikTok, the fun doesn’t stop there! As noted, you must consistently promote the video to make it go viral.

In addition to the strategies we mentioned earlier, we recommend you include the following promotional methods on the platform to boost engagement with your giveaway.

Announce your giveaway

To start, you should announce your giveaway! You could use your giveaway video or another video altogether to announce it. Whichever option you choose, announce your giveaway and how contestants can enter.

As TikTok is a quirky and casual platform, try to make your video fun and carefree! You could use music and do something different from your standard videos.

Giveaway announcement on TikTok

Share your giveaway across your social channels

Not only should you promote your TikTok giveaway on the platform, but you should promote it across all of your social media accounts! This action will maximize its reach and engagement.

TikTok giveaway announcement shared on social media

Notify the members of your email lists

While a portion of your email subscribers may be active on TikTok, you should consider inviting those who aren’t. So make sure to mention your giveaway in the next newsletter you send.

Man pushing a newsletter button on a keyboard

Update your website/s and mention your giveaway

Consider adding links to your giveaway on your website, especially if you generate regular traffic to your website!

You could write an announcement blog post and create a special banner with striking imagery to make sure everyone knows you’re running a giveaway.

New update TikTok giveaways banner

Post regularly about your TikTok giveaway

Post regular updates on your TikTok account, reminding people about your giveaway. That action will keep your audience engaged and looking forward to finding out the results.

TikTok notifications on a mobile phone

Use branded hashtags

Using branded hashtags on TikTok can grow your business in many ways. For one, they can build a community of loyal fans on social media.

Branded hashtags are also an effective giveaway entry method, as you can ask your entrants to use a hashtag as part of the entry process.

Hashtags also drive user-generated content (UGC), and you can use them to manually select your UGC winners. You can consider this as valuable data to improve your future giveaways.

TikTok branded hashtag challenge contest on a mobile phone

Use TikTok and Google analytics

Not only can you use TikTok analytics, as we mentioned earlier, but you also use Google Analytics (directly through apps like a SweepWidget account).

With this analytical data, you can measure the success of your TikTok contest and get ideas about how to improve your next one!

You will have access to your content’s metrics and find out how your posts resonate with your audience! This information can direct you toward accelerated conversions and increased engagement.

Google Analytics banner on an orange background

How do you pick a TikTok giveaway winner?

How you pick a TikTok giveaway winner depends on what type of giveaway you’ve decided to run. Again, you can either do this manually with your own fair hands or use a third-party app.

To give you a rough idea of what using an app would look like, we’ll use SweepWidget as an example. SweepWidget is one of the best contest tools for managing your giveaway, with options from entry methods to picking winners. 

First of all, you’ll need to create a SweepWidget account. Then once you’re logged in, you have to create your giveaway. Simply click the “New Giveaway” link at the top of your user account.

Then you have to enter basic information about your giveaway. In summary, you need to:

  • Add a prize title
  • Set a start date and end date
  • Choose the number of winners you will allow

You can auto-generate rules for your giveaway as the app will pre-fill your terms and conditions.

Aside from SweepWidget, you can use one of the following apps to select your TikTok giveaway winner.

And the winner is pink and orange banner winner announcement

Now, before we round out our guide, we’ve tracked down the TikTok questions on everybody’s lips.

TikTok giveaways 2024 FAQ

Here are some of the hottest TikTok giveaway questions and our answers!

Are giveaways allowed on TikTok?

Yes, indeed. Giveaways are legally allowed on TikTok. There is usually a limit of one entry per individual TikTok account and per person, but each giveaway will have its own rules.

Here are the official community guidelines on TikTok.

Can I run a raffle on TikTok?

Yes! You can hold all kinds of contests and giveaways on TikTok. 

It’s undeniable that TikTok users make the most of all types of giveaways on the platform, such as challenges, contests, or raffles, and all of these can increase your giveaway gains.

Some of the largest brands capture their audience’s attention with raffles. You can ask entrants to enter the raffle by commenting on the video post, then put the entrant’s account names in a hat (or bowl!) and manually pick out the winner. 

If you’re a tech pro, you may wish to use one of the third-party apps we mentioned earlier instead.

How do you announce a giveaway on TikTok?

Announcing a giveaway on TikTok is as simple as posting to the site. 

All you need to do to announce your giveaway is to “upload” a post. You can carry out this action from your desktop browser or the application on your mobile phone. 

To make your giveaway announcement stand out, we recommend using a service such as Canva tools or a third-party app to design your video, which you can then post on TikTok.

Using Canva allows you to use numerous features to design a beautiful video or reel.

What is a TikTok live giveaway?

In a live TikTok giveaway, the participants must enter the giveaway while it’s live on air. To hold a live giveaway, use the “live” function of the platform and get streaming! 

To enter, your participants just have to show up. You can select a name from the viewer list or from everyone who commented.

What is a TikTok challenge contest?

TikTok challenge contests are giveaways with a “challenge” aspect and require a competition entry. For example, you can ask participants to create a video as the giveaway entry where they are performing the challenge that you set out (which you can use as user-generated content afterward).

The challenge can be anything from running on the spot for 30 seconds to eating 30 apples as fast as possible! Those are just ideas, by the way!

You could also create a hashtag challenge. To do this, combine a catchy branded hashtag with a video where you perform a specific action, such as dancing, and challenge others to copy you!

Going, going, gone viral with TikTok giveaways 2024

TikTok’s go-to is to prompt users to video themselves doing a particular action, then upload it to their account. It’s no wonder that giveaway contests and challenges are so popular on the site.

It’s a trend of the times that so many teenagers participate in these giveaways. Whatever reason these giveaways are popular among younger crowds, you can be sure that you have a passionate fanbase waiting to hear about your brand.

Because you can market your content to a younger audience on this platform, it’s even more reason to keep your content current and relatable.

We’ve discovered that TikTok trends build on hashtags, algorithms, and viral giveaways that popularize certain content. With any luck, you will soon have a viral giveaway using this guide’s help!

So that’s a wrap! Now you know how to run your own TikTok giveaway, and it’s time to get under the spotlight! 

So what are you waiting for? Follow these steps and create your viral contest on one of the planet’s most popular social media platforms.

If you need help with other social media giveaways, such as Facebook or Instagram, check out those links for creative ideas. We have various giveaway guides available to help you set up successful social media giveaways. 

More than that, we have thousands of live giveaways regularly updated across all our channels and website. We recommend you check out Giveaway Listing to get ideas for yours!

Before you go, don’t forget to enter our
 $1000 Amazon gift card giveaway